The Fun Side of Healthy

Our Dog & Cat Blog

Spreading the Joy Around: New Fruitables® Spreads™

Fruitables® Spreads™—your first thought might be of a dog taking a selfie next to a pup-centric charcuterie board (oh, it’s not?), but the truth is, Spreads are a versatile snack with functionality to boot.


From making homemade peanut butter dog treats to frozen dog treats, the doggie-and-me fun of Fruitables Spreads is endless!


Functionality You Say?

For starters, Fruitables Spreads are a great way to solve some of your dog’s biggest behavioral snafus. Spread our spread (a verb and a noun?) on a lick mat and you’re on your way to changing your dog’s emotional responses to triggers.

So next time there’s a thunderstorm, you’re expecting a delivery or fireworks light up the Fourth, your pup will have something to focus on rather than their anxiety/excitement.


The Princess Dog-aries

Similarly, coupling our spreads with a lick mat can help shape your dog’s social skills. Ever dream of sitting at a BBQ without your pup bouncing off the walls (trees? humans?)? Refocusing their friendly efforts on this friendly snack can help dogs relearn how to be polite company.


Make the Medicine Go Down

Many dogs don’t understand how pills can impact their overall health (we once met a golden who checked her own blood pressure, but that was an exceptional case). Luckily, our spreads are experts in K9 negotiation. Go ahead and spread their meds, and you’ll likely have a willing participant in their own well-being.

fruitables spreads dog bowl


Too Hot or Too Cold? Both are Just Right

Fruitables Spreads are also a versatile treat to be shared at any temperature. Bake them into bite-sized snacks or freeze them on a lick mat for longer licking. And since all of our spreads are free of wheat, corn, soy protein and the harmful sweetener xylitol, you can be sure that what you’re feeding your pup is puppo-safe.

Simple Ingredients Sometimes it's best to keep things simple. Fruitables Spreads feature ingredients you recognize, like real apple, pumpkin, coconut, banana and peanut butter. Plus, Spreads don't feature the funky stuff. No palm oil, xylitol or added sugar here.


Safe to Splurge

Dog owners rejoice! One of the most important points about Spreads is that unlike many store-bought peanut butters, almond butters and other nut butters, Fruitables Spreads are xylitol-free. Xylitol is an artificially-added sugar that is toxic to dogs. This means when you pick up a jar of Fruitables Spreads you know it's safe to feed your furry friends.



Now that you know the benefits of Fruitables Spreads, you're ready to bake, freeze, scoop, spread and create. Check out our blog for recipes on how to make oatmeal dog treats, dog biscuits, pup-sicles and more!

fruitables spreads recipes


How to Use Fruitables Spreads

The potential with Fruitables Spreads is only limited by your imagination. Here are some of our favorite ways to use Fruitables Spreads:

  • Lick-Mats
  • Baked into Homemade Dog Treats
  • Frozen into Homemade Pup-Sicles
  • As a topping on Fruitables Baked, Biggies, Skinny Minis and other Crunchy Dog Treats
  • Training Treats
  • Calming Treats
  • Hide Pills

How do you use Fruitables Spreads? Tag us on Instagram @fruitablespettreats or use #SpreadTheLove to share your ideas!


Spread the Love™

Now get out there and try all three flavors: Coconut & Oatmeal, Peanut Butter & Banana or Apple & Pumpkin, and let your pup experience REAL fruit and 100% natural ingredients all with an amazing aroma.

The Fun Side of Healthy

Our Dog & Cat Blog